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Top Tourist Attractions in Nepal Part 3


Top Tourist Attractions in Nepal Part 3 

Nepal is truly unique. This small, mountainous nation has an astounding array of tourist attractions for nature lovers, history buffs and spiritual seekers alike. Nepal is home to the Himalayan mountain range, which is a trekker’s and outdoorsman’s paradise. Among this range is the world’s most famous mountain: Mount Everest. Stretching to 8,848 meters above sea level it is the world’s highest mountain.

Small, remote towns are scattered throughout the country, many of which will transport you back in time through the centuries to kingdoms of yesteryear. Among these towns are religious monuments that have been erected as holy sites of pilgrimages. The following tourist attractions in Nepal are famous for a reason; they showcase the best Nepal has to offer and are just begging to be explore

Pashupatinath Temple

On the bank of the Bagmasti River sits the most sacred Hindu temple in Nepal: the Pashupatinath Temple. It is considered to be one of the most valuable religious sites in Asia, and is more like a complex than a temple. Consisting of several libraries, temples, courtyards, monuments and shrines, the site is a popular place for cremations.

This is due to the fact that it sits on the riverbank, and the temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Often shocking for visitors, this practice has been taking place in the same location and other places throughout South Asia for thousands of years

Sagarmatha National : 

Sagarmatha National Park is home to the world’s highest mountains, including Mount Everest. However, there is much more to this park of mountain behemoths than the astounding natural landscape. The mountain ranges are home to some of the world’s rarest and more impressive species: the elusive snow leopard, the red panda, and Himalayan black bear.

There are hundreds of birds who stay within the park, and many musk deer who run wild throughout it. The local people: the Sherpas, have villages here and regularly worship at the holy sites scattered around the park. However, visitors should be wary of the high elevation and take the proper steps towards preventing altitude sickness.

Namche Bazaar: 

Namche Bazaar

Namche is often called the gateway to Everest because it is where most people start their trek to the world’s tallest mountain. However, the bazaar in Namche has been a trading center for thousands of years and is famous for its local yak butter and cheese.

Today, the bazaar offers everything one might need for a trek through the Himalayas, or for daily life in the village. As you might expect, the Namche Bazaar is the highest bazaar in the world. For most people, it is a challenge simply to make it to Namche!

Ancient Town Patan :

Patan is only separated from Kathmandu by the cloudy Bagmati River. It is often still called by its traditional Sanskrit name, which means ‘City of Beauty.’ The ancient part of the city is known for having some the best examples of traditional architecture and Newari artistry in all of Nepal.

The most popular attractions in town include the Golden Temple, Mul Chowk, Patan Museum, Krishna Mandri, and Sundari Chowk. All the sights are concentrated in the old part of the city and showcase the history of this stunning little town.

Bhote Koshi:


The Bhote Koshi is the upper river course of the Sun Kosi river, that originates in Tibet. Calling all adrenaline junkies; Bhote Koshi River rafting is perfect for individuals who are looking to take a break from sightseeing and trekking in Nepal, and indulge in some heart pounding adventure.

Bhote Koshi offers the steepest river rafting in all Nepal. It is located just a few hours north-west of Kathmandu near the Nepalese and Tibetan border, nestled between mountain ranges. The glacier fed river offers Level 5 rapids at its height, but if that’s not enough action, there is also an exciting bungee jump located dauntingly high above the river.

It is the highest free fall in the world. Despite the nature of the sport, the bungee is very safe; it was designed by the Kiwis behind the famous Queenstown bungee jump in New Zealand.

Phewa Lake: 

This gorgeous freshwater lake near Pokhara is the second largest in Nepal and reflects the impressive Annapurna mountain range in its waters. Most hotels and restaurants sit on the opposite side of the lake from the mountain range, and thus offer lovely views.

For most of the year, snow-capped mountains are the norm. The other side of the lake is too dense with forests and steep hills to be developed. In the center of the lake sits the holy temple of the Goddess Durga. Named the Tal Barahi Temple; this pagoda can only be reached by boat and is very popular with visitors and pilgrims alike.

Otherwise, water activities are popular on the lake. There are various treks and smaller hikes around the lake that offer stunning natural surroundings and views of the lake and mountains.

Boudhanath Stupa: 

Located just outside the big city of Kathmandu is Boudhanath Stupa. The stupa provides stunning views of Kathmandu and the valley surrounding it. One of the largest Buddhist stupas in the world, it was probably created in the 14th century after the Mughal invasions. Hundreds of colorful prayer flags flutter in the wind around .

Everest Base Camp: 

Sitting at the top of the world, Mount Everest is a stunning reminder of our tiny role on this planet. At the base of Everest, Sherpas and mountaineers work overtime to prepare for their trip to the summit

Holy sites are worshiped at, and puja’s (religious ceremonies) take place in April and May to ensure safe travels. Visitors are welcome to visit Everest Base Camp and soak up the organized chaos of a trip that doesn’t always promise a happy ending. Helicopter trips are a popular way to visit base camp, as is the ‘Everest Base Camp Trek’ that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

This arduous trek can take up to three weeks simply to reach the base, and gives participants a small glimpse of the laborious task mountaineers might experience when climbing Everest.ound the stark white and gold monument.

At the base of the Stupa are four pairs of eyes, which represent Buddha’s all-seeing, all-knowing nature. A large number of Tibetan Buddhists reside around the Stupa, many of whom fled as refugees from their home country.


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